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Dorwest Neutradog 200 tablets

Dorwest Neutradog 200 tablets

Regular price £16.90
Regular price Sale price £16.90
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This powerful combination of chlorophyllin, parsley, seaweed and mint are perfect to neutralise smells by absorbing odour causing compounds and naturally removing them through the body. This ensures the odours are neutralised before they can be secreted through the skin, making it perfect for a whole host of ‘smelly’ issues! Ideal for:

• Smelly older dogs

• Bitches in season

• Yeasty smelly skin

• Bad breath

The humble Parsley plant is often underestimated, however this green leafed herb is naturally rich in chlorophyll, a natural odour absorbing compound.

Chlorophyll, or more importantly chlorophyllin (a water soluble version), helps to neutralise smells by absorbing odour causing compounds and naturally removing them through the system.

Kelp seaweed has an important role to play in helping to eliminate toxins. Naturally rich in anti-oxidants this provides support to the natural anti-inflammatory processes within the body.

Mint, a cooling herb, is perfect for neutralising nasty smells within the body and also soothing the digestion.

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